Security & Loss Prevention

The protection of valuables such as properties, jewelry, and luxury vehicles would not be possible without the support of a security specialist. This career entails many different things and we will cover all of the responsibilities associated with being a security specialist in this article. Museums, banks, and private government offices need individuals who are able to scan the premises and protect the valuables or people inside. With the right heart and right degree, a career in Security & Loss Prevention could be for you. Find information on programs listed on this site and get started today!
Why Become a Security Guard?
Depending on the severity of the asset being protected, there may be more than one security specialist present. They are there to prevent attacks from intruders and in some cases, safely transport items from one location to another. This is an exciting job which offers many incentives and even a hint of danger. Find a security guard class today from any of the accredited schools below.
Security Guard Responsibilities
The role of a security specialist is to ensure the safety of a person or possession via constant monitoring and protection. For larger corporations, the duties of a security specialist become more intricate and tier qualifications are much higher. In some cases, you may end up working for small buildings where you are responsible for providing employee safety and sorting out any act of violence you witness around the premises. Most organizations will teach you the specific safety regulations for their building.
You duties also directly correlate with whether or not you are employed as a mobile security specialist or a static one. As a static officer, your job entails the monitoring of a specific area for a certain amount of hours. He or she may be armed with weapons, security cameras, and alarms to help deter and stop intruders. Some security specialists are hired to monitor the exiting and entry of employees as well as to stop anyone from entering who isn’t supposed to be there.
Other Duties
Security specialists may also be required to write daily reports regarding the disturbances and/or activity has gone on that day. This means that a certain degree of writing skills may be required for certain positions. If there is property damage or if you seize an unauthorized person, you may need to keep track of it in a log or report it to a higher authority.
During the case of an emergency, a security specialist would be expected to take the initiative and control the situation. If there was a fire then they should be one of the first people to call the fire station. At the end of the night or at the end of their shift, officers may also be expected to check the alarm system, lights, gates, doors, and windows on the premises and make sure they are safe and secure.
Security Guard Course Training
When it comes to receiving the qualifications required to become a security specialist, there really isn’t much formal training involved. As long as you have a minimum of a high school diploma, you can undergo security training. There are schools which specialize in this department and provide courses for aspiring security guards.
Some states require special licenses to become a security specialist while others simply provide on-the-job training. What it really boils down to is the amount of value you are protecting. Obviously, becoming employed at the White House would require more training and background checks than becoming hired at an office building.