
It’s astounding to consider the fact that nearly 60% of NFL players are divorced and bankrupt only six years after they retire from football. Why, after getting paid hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars, do they find themselves in this situation? It’s certainly not because they don’t make enough money – the average citizen gets paid far less. It’s because they were never taught how to handle their money. Find the perfect finance degree below from any of the schools listed and see what it would take to complete it within 4 years.
Why Study Finance?
They say “money makes the world go round,” and it’s true. Every single business, large or small, needs someone who is an expert in finances to manage their cash. Some of the job titles companies bestow on their financial gurus are accountant, finance officer, financial analyst, financial advisor, loan officer, or credit analyst. These jobs require a range of abilities that all help the company to make sound financial decisions and steer it toward success and away from poverty. Since every organization and individual who handles money needs an expert like you, the opportunities are nearly endless. Whether managing money coming into an organization, controlling how it flows out, or deciding what to do with it in between, your position in their financial department stands as one of the most important. Your wisdom and abilities guide any organizations to maintain success.
Not all finance degrees lead to working for someone else. Many individuals decide to open their own business in the financial field as well. Some might go into business for themselves as an investor – in stocks, bonds, real estate, foreign markets, or anything else they know of. Others might choose to offer a service such as a consultation firm or financial planning firm. Since other people work for money when your business is money you have the background and education to manage your own success. Finance school programs are a great way to start your education in business.
One of the greatest advantages to earning your finance degree is often overlooked. That advantage is your ability to understanding your own personal finances. Those without financial backgrounds struggle to wrap their mind around responsible ways to handle their incomes – this is why so many individuals have astronomical debt. However, your ability to manage finances means that you have an advantage over others when it comes to increasing your income, responsibility allocating your money, and watching your bank account grow. So, what are you waiting for? Since money makes the world go round, the world is in need of at least one more financial expert who can help business, organizations, individuals, and themselves better understand and manage the thing that we’re all after: money. Find your online finance degree programs today and get started with your career training.